Tinder For Single Moms

So, we’ve already mentioned that Tinder is one of the best dating sites for single parents. During our research on single mom dating profile examples, we come up with a bunch of ideas for those who.

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Moms Single Mothers

However, many men have tried tinder with little emotion and in shallow relationships. Are you approaching your dream date but are unsure how to go about it? Don’t be discouraged! This article will help you get through the first steps of tinder success. How To Filter Single Moms From Tinder. Tinder sounds like a great idea. I wish there was a filter for single moms. So I'm a 29yo male who has dated a single mom before. While I think kids are great and I want some of my own someday, the dad being in the picture made things really awkward and the child as sweet and good as she was, kept us from having us time as they do. Single moms deserve love too of course, but. Single moms on tinder: I'm a mom first, if that's a problem swipe left. Sorry my baby always comes first. I have 4 kids, so if that's an issue go ahead an swipe left. Ladies, no one has a problem with you being a mom first, are there a bunch of guys out there that complain about not being a priority over the kid???

Our resident dating expert claims Bumble is more of the same

In December 2014, Tinder cofounder Whitney Wolf and a couple of her ex-Tinder colleagues launched Bumble, a location-based cell-phone dating app that claims to put the woman in charge. As of February 2016, Bumble had only 13 employees: 12 women and one man . . . and more than seven million users!

At first glance, Bumble essentially is Tinder. On Tinder, you swipe left if it’s a no, right if it’s a yes, and if there are mutual likes, bouncing, happy circles announce, “It’s a match!” But on Bumble, the circles are yellow, and they announce “Boom!” if it’s a match.

Aside from that, the primary difference between the two apps is that on Bumble, you, the woman, as in the one with the vagina, have to text first. Then your potential date can return and let the text exchange begin, ultimately graduating to phone conversations, then dating, then sex, an engagement, and ultimately marriage.

The added Bumble “challenge” is that you, the woman, have only 24 hours to make contact before your potential paramour fades from your phone. This poses a problem for us single moms who are lucky if we remember to shower in 24 hours. I have lost many a Prince Charming to Father Time. (Note: You do have the option of purchasing more time, but for me, no potential date is worth more than I’d pay for a cup of coffee.)

The Bumble app has its heart in the right place. Clearly it’s a company run by women thinking of every angle. The bells and whistles are aimed at inspiring men to put their best foot forward, using their preeminent photos and a high-quality, thoughtful blurb—ergo, attracting us bees to their honey.

And in the beginning, it did. Bumble was quality versus quantity. Where Tinder offerings were plentiful, Bumble dudes were more in line with my own man standards. Consequently, my Bumble offerings would often run out. (Let’s face it, there ain’t a whole lot of dudes who meet the standards of a Solo Mom.) I’d end up with the dreaded, “Looks like you are out of people.” My heart would sink. I’d feel rejected for a few days. Then a new crop of men would pop up. Yay!

Nevertheless, as a lifelong “Bumble bee,” and since joining at its inception, I’ve noticed that with Bumble’s increase in popularity, so goes the increase in man offerings . . . and so goes down the quality of men.

Many of the men I have seen (and sadly, dated) from Tinder, Match, and other sites (for research!) are now on Bumble—most not even bothering to change or edit their profile and photos. And what’s truly baffling is that none of them have gotten older! The ones who were 45 on Tinder five years ago are still 45 on Bumble today! Apparently, Bumble is also the fountain of youth.

So although Bumble launched with a solid gimmick, some fun bells and whistles, and a higher caliber of men, today’s Tinder/Bumble experience is essentially the same.

Let’s compare the general Tinder versus Bumble scenario:

You match on Tinder. The following text exchange occurs:

You: “Hey!”

Him: No response.

You match on Bumble. The following text exchange occurs:

You: “Hey!”

Him: No response.

There you have it! In either case, you aren’t getting married.

The above scenario is the product of an inherent impulse men have to rack up as many matches as possible with no intention of actually dating, thus allowing them to brag to their dude friends. To combat this form of “ghosting,” Bumble added a feature wherein if a man is messaged after matching with a woman and doesn’t respond within 24 hours, “He gone!”

But men are so smart, their brains so advanced, that some have outsmarted this system, resulting in the following, very common Tinder versus Bumble scenario:

You match on Tinder. The following text exchange occurs:

You: “Hey!”

Him: “Hi.”

You: “How’s your day so far?”

Him: No response.

You match on Bumble. The following text exchange occurs:

You: “Hey!”

Him: “Hi”

You: “How’s your day so far?”

Him: No response.

There you have it! In either case, you aren’t getting married, and he can still brag to his dude friends about his number of Bumble matches.

So although this feature has its heart in the right place, it’s hard to exorcise the genetic caveman ego of collecting as many potential mates as possible.

Also, as on Tinder, the tactic of zero information has become popular on Bumble. Originally, Bumble men would put time and energy into their profiles and blurbs—after all, this was Bumble, not Tinder.

Nowadays, you often are just one picture and zero information. If you are at all interested in Mystery Man, you must reach out to him as per Bumble rules, ergo making you feel desperate that you, a single mom, are sending a text to some random dude you know nothing about and can’t tell what he looks like.

And if you happen to match with said dude, and his language and writing skills are at the champion level of ambiguity—he’s a gold medalist in clever banter and witty repartee, and king of not offering up any information—you may have to go out with him in order to find out if he, in fact, has a job and a place to live. With my most recent (and probably last) Bumble date, the answer to both of those questions was no.


I realized Bumble was Tinder all over again. [Sigh]

So I ask myself, If Bumble has turned into the new Tinder—into the same time-suck game wherein men give no information, provide obscure answers to my questions, and post photos with chicks or banners with the sort of booze they like to drink; and when I reach out as per Bumble’s rules and actually get a response, then attempt to exchange conversation, I am constantly met with sexual innuendo; and if I am so bored with it because I had the exact same experience on Tinder for three years—then what’s the point?

On Bumble, I have to do more work. I have to make the first move and wait. On Tinder, if he’s interested, he can reach out to me.

I like that.

I’m sticking with Tinder.

Maybe I am just an old-fashioned girl at heart.

Swipe on!

P. Charlotte Lindsay is a middle-aged Solo Mom. She shares her newfound expertise as a user of a dating app that can help you meet guys, get laid, and maybe even find love. She is a real person, though her name has been changed to protect the innocent, namely her children and parents. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions.

If you are just get divorced, but yet you want to meet someone, you are at the right place as we have come up with a new list of the best Tinder bio examples for newly single moms.

Being a mother is a wonderful thing, but still very tiring and exhausting. Especially it is when you just newly got divorced, and you have to learn how to lead your life without your spouse. You have an everyday struggle with managing your time, being an excellent mom, and yet remaining an attractive woman. You don’t need to be alone even if you are a mother, since everybody needs the companionship of the opposit sex.

But as you lived in a relationship with your partner, you can feel a little rusty according to having dates. You may not know how and where to meet someone, or if you meet what to say. Well, the good news is that there are plenty of online dating sites and apps, where you don’t need to make too many efforts, just you have to swipe right or left. Tinder is one of the best online dating sites, so if you haven’t registered yet, it’s high time for you to do so.

But how does Tinder work? Well, this app matches two people together with a photo and a bio, and you only need to swipe right if you like the other one. If you don’t, you just swipe left and this discreat app allows you to make a negative decision without hurting the other’s feelings. The other advantage of this app is you don’t have to spend time with searching people by your common interests, the app does it itself.

After a long relationship, as a newly single mome you can feel lonely, and left with your everyday problems alone, and you may read books about self-improvement on Friday nights. At first, you really have to overcome all your offences you got during your previous relationship of course, but later on you have to take the first step to make your life better. And what should make your everyday life better than meeting someone special, dating him and enjoy yourself?

Naturally everything is much more dificult when you have kids, and sometimes it’s a hard task to find some time to date someone. Your kids are always on the first place, and you try to be a good mom and an attractive woman at the same time. Therefore you have to skip long dates (at least at the beginning), when you walk in the night hand in hand, and drink wine until the sun rises. Instead, having a coffee somewhere, and having shorter dates are preferable. Later on if you two decide you can visit zoos for example, and your kids will enjoy the dates too. If you follow these simple steps, your kids will feel that they are still the most beloved and most important ones in your life.

And if you are gentleman, what should you know about dating a single mom? Well, don’t play games with her, don’t want to meet her kids, if you want nothing from her. You should also know that her kids are the most important ones in her life, so forget the drunk mornings, and getaway weekends, and don’t want to be “the dad”. If you are ready to meet a single mom, you need to be patient, but the relationship will be worth every effort you make.

Now, without a further ado, let’s see the list of the best Tinder bio examples for newly single moms.

10. Let me bitch at you every day until you sort your shit out.

Huhh, she’s a little bit too… much.

9. You should message me if…

You don’t mind never being a priority. EVER.

You prefer your coitus infrequent and interrupted.

You’re bored with having a social life anyway.

Very honest, very purposeful. All the cards on the table.

Tinder For Single Moms

8. I don’t say it, but I totally think it: I have to pay a babysitter $9 an hour, so please don’t waste my time asking me on a lame date.

As the saying claims, time is money. Don’t waste anybody’s time.

7. Please don’t send me any photos of yourself that you wouldn’t send your mom. I share my phone with my kids.

The first good impression is the most important one.

6. Let’s get pizza.

This line is a good one for everybody.

5. Just got out of a bad decision. Let’s make some more?

We are half way through our list of the best Tinder bios examples for newly single moms. Just make a good decision for this time.

Tinder For Single Moms Free

4. What am I doing with my life?

Which life? I have two.

In the first, I’m a professional woman who wears ambitious clothes and takes no crap.

In the second, I not only take a lot of crap but frequently wear it too.

This is a frank confession of a working woman.

3. If I were being honest, I’d say ‘I’m still breastfeeding, so my boobs are not usually this big.

A little bit too honest, but never mind.

2. The first things people usually notice about me?

My back, as I chase after a toddler.

Then give her a second chance.

1. Here is the truth I don’t put in my profile: Winning me over will be easy; winning over my 4-year-old? Good freaking luck.

This is a real challenge, isn’t it?

Well, this was our list of the best Tinder bio examples for newly single moms, we can advice you to put everything aside a little bit, and try one of these bios. Who knows? They may bring you good luck.