Orthodox Jewish Singles

It’s time to shine our famous spotlight on some new and old members of the ever growing world of Orthodox Single Bloggers.
First up is, Its an Investment, who is a 26 year old single woman with the quirkiest sense of humor you will ever meet!
If you would like to see a taste of her very refreshing and bold approach to her Frumster profile along with her brave stance when Frumster staff, hilariously, did not quite know what to make of her, check out this post.
Check her out if you like fresh, zingy, out there, non-conformists with a great sense of humor.
Here is one of the nets most famous Orthodox Single Bloggers, Rabbi Josh, from Yutopia. Josh is an NT for those familiar with Myers Briggs and is highly intelligent and articulate.
Check out his brilliant advice for writing an online profile that will actually accomplish something. I have been meaning to write a post like that but he articulated it so well that I can just link to his post.
Even if Josh is not an appropriate match age/gender wise, you can still greatly benefit from his sage advice about fixing your online profile.
Hesh from FrumSatireis one of the funniest, adventuresome, and tells it like it is, single frum males out there.
Check out his selection of favorite posts which include his classic and renowned post
“The all inclusive guide to judging and labeling every orthodox Jewish sect”
As well as his hilarious post about Shadchanim:
'Shadchuns really do ask the most ridiculous questions!!!'
Great stuff!
If you would like to be in our next spotlight (or added to our updated blogroll) please email me links to your favorite or most descriptive posts.
This is not just for singles to look at. If you have an uncle, aunt, cousin, neighbor or friend that you think would connect with any one of these or other frum bloggers out there, tell them about it. You never know what a little effort can do.
There have been a number of Blog shidduchim out there. One was with a former and popular member of this blog, Karl.
Here is a small excerpt from his story:

“So the weeks go by, shidduch suggestions come & go, dates from hell, dates from the boring world of grey normality. And each of us would come home and blog about how bad it was, how lonely we felt and how useless the system was. We chatted some more and did our own thing. There was at some point before that when P-Life started his blog of Jewish Orthodox single bloggers, with a network to join. P-life suggested that J.O.S.B. was the way forward - I mean, you'd know so much about the person from their OWN writing and both people could read about each other first. I was not convinced. A) I could not relate a blogger to a normal suggested shidduch; B) who would want to meet me after reading what I write and C) there were no prospective orthodox female bloggers within 1000 miles from me that I knew of.”
Read the rest of his very happy story.
Blogging is the wave of the shidduch future. Come on and step up. Surf’s out!

Labels: Spotlight On Single Bloggers

Jewish Singles of South Florida is a group that holds events in various locations in South Florida. All ages are welcome! We are a religiously mixed group: secular, Reform, Conservative and Orthodox all participate! All food events are kosher. Jewish senior singles who use Jewish online dating services or executive Jewish dating services should hopefully have much success in finding their bashert. Executive Jewish dating can be a great way to meet a future spouse. If you have a question, on Orthodox Jewish Matters, and need an answer Please Email your questions, Chava will answer. The SawYouAtSinai unique Jewish matchmaking process has helped Jewish singles of all ages, locations & religious levels to find their match. From New York to Jerusalem, London to Texas, or Sydney to Antwerp, SawYouAtSinai brings people together with the help of 300+ supportive Jewish matchmakers. Whether you are new to the Jewish dating process.

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