Eharmony So Expensive

  1. Why Eharmony So Expensive
  2. How Much Is Eharmony
  3. Eharmony Website

EHarmony promotes 'silver dating,' or dating for those of a certain age. Plus, the user base for those 50 and above is pretty solid, meaning there are definitely a good amount of options here. Why is eHarmony so expensive? EHarmony claims that its users are all looking for the same thing, which is why the cost may be on the upper. So, the truth about eHarmony as it relates to costs is that the site is more expensive than most other options, but not by as much as you might have thought. Additionally, you often get what you pay for in the world of online dating, so the cost could be fully worth it. When you want the best results the fastest — it may cost a few bucks more.

  • Because those people aren't there to be your friend, they're there to make a profit for a service provided.
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  • Mr Fixit
    Its like bottled water. People will pay for it because of their perspectives.
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  • wrdweaver
    They're are doing this to make money. Law of supply and demand.
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  • bloodlylilcorpse is back
    People are just trying to make a profit off of other folks is all.
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  • MrNatural Abstractor of the Quintessence
    Just a guess: 1. They can get it. I.e., there are 1000s of lonely people with more $$ than sense. Why should they charge less when they can get more? 2. They advertise on TV, which costs a lot of $$. These costs, of course, are passed on to the customer. You watch those expensive, professionally-made ads on TV and picture yourself as the guy/girl in the ads.
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  • weareallhypocrites
    There are a lot of lonely people who are evidently willing to pay it. The moment they experience a significant dip in sales, the price will drop.
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  • Capital J
    because for the most part the people resorting to these sites are desperate for love and willing to do anything to find it.
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  • Kizz miazz
    Because there are a lot of people who want to find somebody. The problem is people are so selfish and uncompromising that they cannot find anybody. So what happens is they look again and again and over and over and there are companies that take advantage. All those people who just keep on looking are usually on more than one site. They charge so much because they can and people will pay to play so to speak. If people were just honest and kind there would be no need for dating sites. You would meet someone with just a smile.
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  • Scrappy
    As long as people are willing to pay for it, they will continue to go up on prices. They very seldom match anyone up to my knowledge and they don't care. They just want money
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  • Occams Electric Razor
    I guess it depends on your justification of the money..I don't know what Eharmony or sites like that charge but I would guess around $50 a month would be a fair assumption.. Ok so $50 a month for a website to potentially hook you up with someone who is actively looking for, has viewed and screened you and agrees to meet you..heck that's half the work done already for you! You already know they want to meet you, like your looks for the most part and have something in common with I am not one of those that think you can find true love online, but hey what do I know. But I do know that $50 bucks to have your pick of dates with prescreened people is not bad compared to: wandering around libraries, grocery stores or other places hoping for a chance encounter Having friends hook you up going to a bar stag.. where else are you gonna meet as many people looking for love or romance or sex? Already Eharmony has the upperhand here because you know nothing about these people except what they look like in a dimly lit room..not to say that a pic on Eharmony would not be 'altered' to make the person look better... Then you are gonna be paying cover charge mingling buying a few drinks for random women That's gonna cost you $50 bucks right there..and you still may or may not have any luck, if you do you don't know much about the other person or if you have much in common with them other than knowing they like to dry hump to the song My Humps. The end result is, you either end up at Denny's at 4 in the morning shitfaced and alone or you meet someone who is too intoxicated to stand up, much less give you their number or set up a date (and remember it). I could say in the bar scenario you might score, but I'm assuming you might score on Eharmony too, but the intention is to find a mate, not get laid..I might add that the odds of contracting an STD from people you meet on Eharmony would probably be less than getting one from someone you met in a bar/club...That alone is probably worth $50 bucks. For many the problem is as we get older we operate in much smaller social circles. It's not healthy (or permissable in many places) to date co-workers and you don't go to school so the number of people (options) we are in contact with dwindles very quickly. That's the catch for sites like Eharmony; volume, options and knowing they somewhat dig you (or at least the version of you that you portray)before you even meet.
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Is eHarmony legit? It is no secret that eHarmony is expensive. However, there are a lot of expensive things that are legit and others that aren’t. So is eHarmony legit? This is what we will be answering in this article.

Before we begin, though, let’s take a quick look at the history of eHarmony because it has been around for a while and still manages to stay relevant.

eHarmony has been in the online dating game since 2000, which is a very long time considering the way online dating has evolved and changed since it first came on the scene.

However, they have managed to stay current throughout the years and maintain their position as the best online dating website and app for those looking for a serious long-term relationship.

eHarmony claims that it is the number one trusted dating app. To some degree this is true, eHarmony has been around since 2000, so it has an excellent reputation over the last twenty years.

eHarmony provides an online dating service that really focuses on meaningful long-term relationships that eventually lead to marriage.

Why Eharmony So Expensive

One of the reasons it has managed to stick around is that it doesn’t compete with apps like Tinder or Bumble. They have their own niche, and they do it really well. So all this consider is eHarmony legit?

Is eHarmony Legit: Personality Test

When you first signup for eHarmony, you have to take a pretty extensive personality test. The test takes a good twenty minutes or so to finish.

It is super detailed, and it is what eHarmony uses to try and match people together. It is the most important part of eHarmony’s matchmaking algorithm, which we will talk about later.

So is this personality test legit and worth your valuable time? The short answer is yes, it is.

While it is time-consuming and sometimes tedious, it does have a lot of value. To a degree, it affects the rest of your experience while using the app. After you finish you will get something that looks a lot like the image that is below.

They say 64% of people are looking for someone they share a common interest with. This personality test and profile is what makes If you want to read more stats on online dating then check out this page.

Is eHarmony Legit: Bots?

So does eHarmony have bots, and if it does, are there a lot of bots on eHarmony? The answer is no. eHarmony doesn’t have bots on it the same way that Tinder has them.


The main reason is that while eHarmony does have a free trial. It doesn’t really work unless you pay for it.

For better or for worse, you have to pay to use eHarmony as intended. However, one of the benefits is that you don’t have to worry about bots or people who are just on it for fun. So the answer is no, eHarmony doesn’t have bots.

Is eHarmony Legit: Match Quality

Eharmony website

So it doesn’t matter how good a dating app is if the people on it aren’t what you are looking for. With eHarmony, there is a very certain type of person. Both the men and the women want to get married at some point and soon rather than later.

So are they attractive? The answer is yes, absolutely. Most of the women on eHarmony as well as the men are very attractive. They also tend to have their life together with a good career and a mature mindset when it comes to dating.

However, remember, this isn’t Tinder. People here are serious and don’t have an interest in flings or one nightstand. So, in short, the match quality is some of the best, but you won’t find any hookups on eHarmony.

Is eHarmony Legit: Is It Worth The Price

eHarmony is a great and very legit dating site. Especially for people looking for a relationship or marriage material. If you want a more in-depth look at is harmony worth it the check out our article on it.

However, eHarmony is very expensive compared to other dating apps. This has a lot to do with the fact that it has been around for a while, and they are really the only one that is occupying the online dating to marry niche.

For example, a 3-month subscription to eHarmony will cost you between $60 and $70 per month. Now, as I am sure you have noticed, that is a lot more expensive than using Hinge. Which is free or even paying a little extra to get more matches.

This being said, there is a reason they charge so much, and that is because they cater to people who are serious about finding a partner who they might end up marrying in the future. Because no one else is doing this, eHarmony can kind of charge whatever they want.

So is eHarmony legit and worth the price? eHarmony is legit no matter the price, and it is worth the price if you are truly looking for that meaningful relationship, but if you aren’t, then it really isn’t worth the steep price.

How Much Is Eharmony

Eharmony So Expensive


Eharmony Website

At the end of the day, eHarmony is a fantastic dating, and yes, eHarmony is legit. We think that the reason it is so expensive is that no one can compete, and so they have a monopoly on the online dating market when it comes to marriage.

If you were on the fence about whether or not eHarmony is legit, then you have nothing to worry about. There are no bots, flakes are few and far between, and people want to go on dates.

The only issue that really exists is that it cost a lot of money to get a membership which is the only way to really get the full value experience.

Using the free version of eHarmony is nothing like the free version of Hinge or Tinder. Tinder can be used for free without a problem, but that doesn’t apply to eHarmony.

Is it worth paying for eharmony

We aren’t saying this to discourage people but just to make sure that people who are thinking about signing up understand how the app and website work.